1. Setup NetBeans IDE.
Download and install NetBeans: https://netbeans.org/downloads/
2. Install Arduino Plugin for NetBeans.
Open NetBeans IDE.
Select Tools -> Plugins -> Available
Plugins, Select Arduino-plugin in the list and install
3. Install Arduino IDE.
Download Arduino IDE : https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Donate
Name of installed folder of Arduino is not allowed to have space, by default Arduino is installed in folder: C:/Program Files/~ – having space in name, so Netbeans will not see the Arduino Tools.
4. Installi Cygwin for Windows.
Based on your OS's architecture you select 32 or 64 bit version in this link https://cygwin.com/install.html.
- Select packages to install in Devel Group:
Gcc-core: C compiler
Gcc-g++: C++ Compiler.
Gdb: GNU debugger.
Make: the GNU version of ‘make’ utility
5. Add Cygwin's path to system path variable.
Based on your installed folder of Cygwin so you chose suitable path. Example: E:\Soft\cygwin64\bin
6. Setup build tool for Arduino on NetBeans.
Run NetBeans and select: Tools > Options
> C/C++, select tab Build Tools and click Add Button to add build tools for Arduino.
input path of Arduino Compiler , and no space in all paths
- In Tab “Code Assistance ” add path to tools for C Compiler and C++ Compiler as below.
7. Create a Project Arduino and configure.
select board andcomport, select path to installed folder of Arduino.
Change some configuration in make file.
Click Build and run Arduino project , NetBeans will build project base on cross compiler specified, than create a file *.hex and upload to Arduino board through Serial Comport as flash in Arduino IDE.
You can also open Cygwin terminal and cd to Arduino
project folder and run command “make upload”
8. Create a new execution project and configure it to become static library project.
a. Configure project to build static library.
After create, build and run executive project, than delete the main.cpp file and add header and source files that you want to create static library.
Right click on project , select property >
Build > Configuration Type > Static Library
NetBeans workspace will look like:
if you build project, liabrary file *.a will be created, but the Output Windows will way that building is falied , because in the make file have command to creare hex file and upload to board, you should disable this command or ignore the error message.
Open Make file, search and comment out the command “#” :
“avr-objcopy -O ihex ${CND_ARTIFACT_PATH_${CONF}}
# avr-objcopy -O ihex
Rebuild lại project và xem kết quả:
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