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Native Dynamixel Library for Matlab

Hi everyone,
In order to use the powerful of Matlab Toolboxes  and Simulink . I'm going to build a native library to control the Dynamixel Motors from Matlab directly.

I. Using Dynamixel SDK

    - Step 1: Create Class
           o  = MyDynamixel();
    - Step 2: Initialize the serial port
           o.portNum = 16;
           o.baudNum = 1;
    - Step 3: Add dynamixel motor base on their IDs
    - Step 4: Set Speed for dynamixel (optimal, can use default setup)
   - Step 5: Turn the Dynamixels
   - Step 6: Unload resource
   - Result:

II.Build Native Library base on protocol specification


  1. Thank you all for support people who are trying to connect these motors. I have a question, what can I do if I run the o.init() function but it always shows the error connection message? I followed all the steps you put above but, when I try to connect the dynamixel motors, command window says "Cannot init dynamixel".

    1. You should take a look for you serial port , and replace the port number 16 in this line "o.portNum = 16;"

  2. Hello! I have a problem with using your library. I copied files from githup to Matlab folder. When I try to run it output error message in line: o = MyDynamixel();
    Error mesage:
    Serial port does not configure
    Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

    Error in loadlibrary>getLoadlibraryCompilerConfiguration (line 527)

    Error in loadlibrary (line 263)

    Error in MyDynamixel (line 35)
    loadlibrary('dynamixel', 'dynamixel.h')

    Error in testDynamixel (line 5)
    o = MyDynamixel();


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