IIntroduction Step 1: update and upgrade your system sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Step 2: Install Git tool sudo apt-get install git-core Step 3: Clone My Repo git clone https://github.com/quangthanh010290/BL_keyboard_RPI Sep 4: Install cd B L_keyboard_RPI sudo ./setup.sh Step 5: Change the bluetooth name (Optional) open the boot.sh file and find the line ./updateName.sh ThanhLe_Keyboard Change the name you want, example ./updateName.sh Mlabviet_Keyboard Step 6: Reboot then Run the app sudo reboot ./boot.sh Step 7: Modify some bluetooth setting. - Open tmux and switch to Bluetooth Console tmux a - Input these params to the console agent on default-agent scan on discoverable on II. Video Comming soon: - Make RPI as a racing wheel Buy the prebuild image Code and images